Hi, I'm Ginger


I coach Christian women to


to be their absolute best

with ease and grace,

to live joyfully

as an everyday Ambassador for Christ.




Hi, I'm Ginger


I coach Christian women to


to be their absolute best

with ease and grace,

to live joyfully

as an everyday Ambassador for Christ.



My gift to you!  Get my favorite 27 Powerful Questions for Christian women

to ask themselves when making decisions, scheduling, and goals.

Learn Your Strengths

Stop just guessing at what you're good at!

Get ready to soar with your strengths and experience fulfillment as you utilize what you already have been gifted with to steer your everyday life and serve others with joy.

As a Strengths Champion Certified Coach, I am always excited to walk Christian women through this discovery process and assist you in knowing and growing yourself through your unique God-given talents.

Let's Get Started


Life Coaching for Christian Women

Find focus and perspective as you experience the benefits of having a life-coach on your team! Ambassador Coaching is for any Christian women, for any season of life, for real and practical encouragement on your journey.

Let's get you unstuck!

With 1:1 private coaching,  I provide clarity, support, and accountability for you as we identify your goals and create your customized plan for progress.

You are a daughter of the King, an Ambassador for Christ. I believe the more we live in that emphasis, the more fulfilled we are in ALL of our roles as women.

Let's Get Started


for women's ministry leaders + pastor's wives

You don't need another pampering gift basket... What you need is to be  heard and encouraged by someone who understands the unique and important role you have. My tailored coaching will be focused on your current life-chapter. We can organize and plan for an upcoming project / event  or discuss other specific issues.

Let's Get Started

Interested in what life coaching can do for you?


Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss the challenges you are facing,

the change you would like to experience, and the success you'd like to reach.

30 min. Free of charge.

I'd love to talk with you!

It would be an honor to assist you to clarify your next steps.

(Christian women only, please)

Let's talk about it





  • designed for Church use
  • includes done-for-you content + images
  • customizable church packages available 


"God has given Ginger a clear vision for helping women grow to become more like Jesus. Moreover, she communicates that vision in a way that fosters, inspires, and empowers other women to serve.
I am confident that those working in a ministry partnership with Ginger will significantly benefit from her creativity, public speaking, and administrative skills."



"It was really, really wonderful! The material Ginger presented was very solid, yet encouraging and uplifting - what everybody needed to hear.
I just loved this Ambassador Vision SHINE event!!!" 



"Ginger is out there to encourage faith and commitment,
plus, she's a happy, authentic encourager.
She is what's she's talking about."



"Through Ginger's stories and Bible lessons, we've had so many helpful ideas and practical discussions on being an Ambassador for Christ.  
She makes the bridge so obvious and attainable, identifying how we can live our faith everyday.
I believe Ginger truly has the gift of teaching."












🌟 YOU are, Christian woman 🌟

You’re an Ambassador for Christ

~ if you choose to accept and live this role!

The Apostle Paul says in II Corinthians 5:20


“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ...”


and I believe ALL Christians are called to this role as part of the Great Commission to go and teach all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).


An Ambassador represents their home country.

So as Christians, our home country is Heaven, and it is what we're looking forward to!

Being an Ambassador means we represent our loving Father God, and all He reveals to us in the Scriptures. It means we’re willing and ready to tell of the hope that is in us through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • The good news found in the Bible that He came into the world to die and overcome death to save sinners from an eternal separation from God.
  • The truth that we can know that we will live forever in perfection in God’s presence, if we accept Jesus’ finished gift of salvation on the cross.
  • The hope we have of Jesus' soon appearing to capture his Bride, the Church, and rescue us from the evil that's coming.


I’m an Ambassador for Christ.

And you are too.


Or... you’re a quiet Christian. 🤫

And you live your life as a secret believer who does not let anyone know.

No fruit.

Not earning treasures in Heaven.

No true joy.


Don’t be a quiet Christian.

Learn to SHINE! 


meet Ginger

teacher. coach. artist. wife. mom. daughter of the King.

I'm super-focused on the vision that as Christian women, we are called to be

Ambassadors for Christ in our everyday lives.


Spiritual Gifts // exhortation.  teaching.  administration.

top 5 CliftonStrengths //  Achiever.  Belief.  Responsibility.  Intellection.  Futuristic. 

I'm obsessed with the fantastic progress that can be made on our goals through the right perspective and partnerships.

And I want to work with you!

  • to shine brighter in this dark world in the time that remains.
  • to get your house in order and intentionally lay up treasures in Heaven!
  • to meet you in your current chapter of life and optimistically help you plan big goals, then take small steps toward what's next for you and those you love.


Email with questions or to

discuss speaking opportunities

or executive / team coaching.

[email protected]


Or, schedule a call to discuss

how we could work together.

I look forward to talking with you!

schedule a call with Ginger